
Publishers Weekly - “Though the poems express grief, the collection is radiant with hope and healing”

diaCRITICS - “Tran uses pop culture as a launching point to process the death of a close friend and explore the grief that comes after”

Sundress Reads - “at once heart-wrenching and heart-warming, an emotional experience that makes you feel both seen and able to see more clearly”

Foreword Reviews - “wields a wickedsharp wordweapon to explore the dailyplate of complexity handed to him”

Up the Staircase - “Tran writes intimately from within and without the medical establishment. It is the tense and tender negotiation between these positions that define his body of work.”

EcoTheo Review - “This is a collection that instructs us in the ways of fear, the ways of prayer, the ways of coming to terms with truths that can feel impossible to bear.”

Free State Review - “Tran’s commitment to bringing pop culture echoes his commitment to using “low culture” to illustrate complex ideas.”


Interviews & Features


Poets & Writers Literary MagNet

Black Warrior Review (interview)

The Rupture (interview) - “Find the Buried Center and Strike It”

Mountain Xpress

The Rumpus Book Club Feature and Q&A

Four Way Review - “Radical Imagination, or Empathy”